Press Releases

Cft: “Get financial management and timely adoption of the budget in order”

The government of Sint Maarten is facing great challenges with regard to the (multi-annual) budget. The budget for the current year 2021 reveals a deficit of approximately 20 percent of the Gross Domestic Product and has still has not been adopted by the Governor. Sint Maarten will have to work actively and methodically to reduce the budget deficit and create a surplus. This way the standards of the Kingdom Act on financial supervision (Rft) can be met and a start can be made on paying off the country's very high debts. In order to make health care and social security sustainable, structural reforms aimed at limiting expenditure are inevitable. The Board of financial supervision (Cft) again urgesto put the financial management in order and to timely adopt the budgets and annual accounts. Only this way can the government and parliament get “in control” again.




Sint Maarten